Sunday, April 13, 2008


I enjoyed this presentation. Although it wasn't the most interesting information for me, mainly because I already knew most of the content, it still was cool because I liked how the presenters put the content together. They really made it interesting. I liked how they had people dress up in white and tan. Rather than having us think about what we would do if we had a dress code; those of us who did dress up actually got to see what it was like. It was a good visual representation. I also liked how the presenters were really honest about how they felt about the book. I also liked how they said that it had an elementary section in it. It really made me want to read it more because I am an elementary ed major. I liked the human knot activity and the alaskan game, although I will admit I did fear for my life at certain points :) Boys can be so rough! Just kiiiiiidding....sort of :p I felt that the group did a really great job presenting their book. It was a fun and interactive experience. Thanks!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Out of all the presentations, I think this might have been my favorite. I don’t think it was the most interesting material, but the way it was presented was perfect for my type of learning. I was engaged the whole lesson and felt very comfortable. I believe the comfort level came because I didn’t have to sit in a chair the whole period and listen to someone else talk. I had opportunities to get up and move around and be involved in discussions. I don’t think my interests were the only ones being met either, most of the MI’s were used, and lots of different activities were used so everyone should have been engaged.

A lot of the material I had learned before, but there were a couple things that fascinated me. First, I like the idea of dress codes. I think if it is started right from the beginning, it will help so many students feel more comfortable around their peers and allow all of them to truly understand each others personalities; rather then be judged based on what they wear. Second, as a health educator and a huge advocate for physical activities, you would think I would be all about mandatory sport participation. But I’m actually more for developing a broad base of clubs and other organizations that meet all the students’ interests. I love the idea of having no cuts in middle school, but if it’s a big school, a lot of these students are eventually going to get cut in some sport in high school. So I believe it is better to help them find something that interests them early, and give them a chance to explore an interest that may lead to much bigger things for them. Plus, I’m living in the perfect world and believe that everyone will smarten up someday and realize that health is the most important subject and require it and P.E. class at every grade level, so the students will understand the importance and be involved in daily physical activities. Lastly, I do not agree with separate sex education. It may have many benefits, and improve learning, but I believe it would be a huge social set back, especially for the boys. I went to school with girls my whole life, and it wasn’t until my junior year in high school before my face stopped getting red from just talking to a girl, I can’t even imagine what I would have been like if I only went to school with guys.

I really don’t have any complaints at all about this presentation. Maybe the armadillo game was not the best idea for my competitiveness, which is defiantly something I struggle to control. There also might have been a few things I would have liked to discuss in more detail, but I understand that the time was tight and there was more to do. This is a topic that probably could go into deep discussion for ever. Overall, really good job, it was fun. I will defiantly take some of the concepts to the class with me; I’m interested in seeing if the sixty second rule really works.

Monday, April 7, 2008


This chapter was about effective authentic assessments. Assessments should be used regularly throughout the unit and in different formats, such as quick weekly puzzles, to keep the students' brains engaged in the learning process. Authentic assessments should have clear goals, is motivating for the students, must focus on essential knoweldge, uses integration between classes, and clearly and effectively indicates the students' knowledge level. By giving assessments throughout the unit, rather than just at the end, students can stay focused on their learning and students with learning disabilities will be able to do better because they will have an idea of how the final assessment will be.
The important thing to remember about authentic assessments is that the students should learn from doing the assessment, rather than just learning in order to do the assessment. Like the lessons in the unit, the assessments should build on the students' knowledge so that they can be fully prepared for the final assessment. Also, in order for it to truly be considered effective authentic assessment, it should be modified so that the teacher is confident that the student is fully capable of doing well on that particular assessment.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Becoming the Wiz

I thought the activties in this presentation were awesome. They are definetly going to be awesome resources to use in the classroom. I hav to admit it was kind of funny that I was the only blue person in the entire class. When I was looking over my teammates blogs about this presentation I have to admit that I agree with Bridget. There was A LOT of information in this presentation, and I have to admit I really didn't absorb as much as I would like to have. To be honest I don't think that there is really anyway your team could fix that. You wiki is awesome, it's very well organized and I know that it is going to be an awesome resource for me to use. I'm thinking that maybe inbetween each transition amongst the group you guys could have done maybe a little exact overview of what the page was all about. This might help, with all of the scientific infomation, especially for people like me who never have really been interested in learning about the brain. I know I didn't put all positive feedback but you folks did a great job on the presentation, and with all of the information that you had to share I wouldn't have cut anything out it.