Sunday, April 13, 2008


I enjoyed this presentation. Although it wasn't the most interesting information for me, mainly because I already knew most of the content, it still was cool because I liked how the presenters put the content together. They really made it interesting. I liked how they had people dress up in white and tan. Rather than having us think about what we would do if we had a dress code; those of us who did dress up actually got to see what it was like. It was a good visual representation. I also liked how the presenters were really honest about how they felt about the book. I also liked how they said that it had an elementary section in it. It really made me want to read it more because I am an elementary ed major. I liked the human knot activity and the alaskan game, although I will admit I did fear for my life at certain points :) Boys can be so rough! Just kiiiiiidding....sort of :p I felt that the group did a really great job presenting their book. It was a fun and interactive experience. Thanks!

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