Monday, March 24, 2008


I thought this presentation was very well done. I learned a lot about the right side of the brain, and understand how the world has been slowly changing from basic to creative. I also saw how important it is that we as teachers use that creative side to help design a better learning environment that fits our students.
I thought the author, Dan Pink, was a fascinating guy. I liked the picture of him with the toilet wand. I think its great that he proved a point by buying the expensive name brand wand, rather then the cheap one that does the job just as well. I also enjoyed the empathy test and the idea of the laughter clubs.
Overall, I thought it was a very good presentation. I was confused during the Abundance, Asia, and Automation part at first, but it all came together when the six remaining concepts were covered. I would have liked an activity where there was more movement. I'm also still a little confused about how the five line portrait applies, but it was in the begining when I think I was still trying to tie the abundance, asia, and automation part together. Other then that, I thought everything flowed really well and was brought together so that it made it very easy to understand. My interest was defiantly sparked, I hope find time and read this book at some point.

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