Sunday, March 30, 2008


Becoming a Wiz at Brain Based Teaching expanded on last weeks presentation by going more in depth on the brain and how classroom strategies can positively or negatively affect it. When educators have a rough idea of how students brains work, its easier to develop classroom activities and themes that help them connect more with the material and enhance their chances of placing it in their long term memory.

I really enjoyed the information that was presented and thought all of you did a good job of going in depth and making it easy for me to understand. The wiki was filled with lots of information and good links, which makes it easier for me to understand and remember when I want to go back in the future and refresh on it. I liked all of the pages and links, but the ones I really liked where the charts from "if I only had a memory," and the "Dorothy" page. The information that was covered on those pages fascinated me more then the others. I also enjoyed the class activities, especially the personal characteristics chart.

Though I really enjoyed the presentation, I could have used more activities, especially one that involved movement. After sitting down the whole class, I was extremely antsy at the end and struggled to pay attention to "Which witch is which," and "No place like home". I think if the information wasn’t so strong and interesting, you might have lost me after the first twenty minutes. There was a lot of lecture, and I traditionally struggle to pay attention when I’m not as involved and have to sit down and listen.

Great job overall, I gained a lot of valuable information and am defiantly interested in reading the book at some point.

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